Rui Song

Rui Song

Research Associate
Fraunhofer IVI

PhD Candidate
Technical University of Munich

About Me

I am a researcher at Fraunhofer IVI and pursuing the Ph.D. degree at Chair of Robotics, AI and Real-time Systems, Technical University of Munich (TUM). I am co-supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Alois Knoll and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Festag. Before that, I was a software developer for autonomous driving at ZF R&D Center and IPG Automotive.

My research interests include federated learning, vehicular communication, cooperative perception and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).


03/2024: One papers was accepted at IEEE IV.
02/2024: Two papers were accepted at CVPR.
10/2023: One paper was accepted at IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IF=10.6).
09/2023: One paper was accepted at IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (IF=8.2).
07/2023: One paper was accepted at Knowledge-based Systems (IF=8.8).
05/2023: One paper was accepted at ICRA-CoPerception.
04/2023: One paper was accepted at IJCNN.
03/2023: I open-sourced a repository for a PyTorch implementation of federated learning (FL), integrating various FL algorithms, models, and datasets.
02/2023: One paper was accepted at CVPR (Highlight).
02/2023: We released SensorTraffix, a SENSORIS-based software product for infrastructure communication, as part of the Fraunhofer IVI's assets, CONTACT.
05/2022: I had a live interview at the opening event for our 5G Innovation Lab in Ingolstadt.
05/2022: One paper was accepted at IEEE ITSC.
03/2022: One paper was accepted at IEEE VTC.
02/2022: I officially started my PhD at TUM Informatics-VI department.
12/2021: One paper was accepted at FISITA World Congress (Outstanding Paper Award).
02/2021: I joined Fraunhofer IVI as a researcher and served as the lead in the research project InFra

Academic Activities

Organizer of 5th Data-Driven Intelligent Vehicle Applications (DDIVA) Workshop in IEEE IV 2024
Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)
Reviewer of Information Fusion
Reviewer of Neurocomputing
Reviewer of ACM Multimedia (MM)
Reviewer of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)
Reviewer of IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)
Reviewer of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)
Reviewer of IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)

Research Project Experience

2021-Today: 5G Innovation Concept in Ingolstadt (5GoIng), funded by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)
2021-2024: Ingolstadt Innovation Labotory (In2Lab), funded by Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs (StMWi), Regional Development and Energy
2021-2023: Artificial Intelligence in the Transportation System in Ingolstadt (KIVI), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
2021-2023: Intelligent Infrastructure (Infra), funded by Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs (StMWi), Regional Development and Energy.
2018-2021: SetLevel4to5, funded by the German Federal Ministy for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
2017-2018: Intelligent Maneuver Automation – cooperative hazard avoidance in realtime (IMAGinE) funded by the German Federal Ministy for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
2017-2018: PEGASUS funded by the German the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)


Snowboard: Certificated as level 3 instructor by DSLV (German Ski/Snowboard Instructor Association).

Marathon: PB 3h55; 5KM: PB 18.

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